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Hot Summer Time Deals!

Don't forget! Lovely Expressions is offering free shipping All Summer Long. Become a fan of LE thru Facebook and automatically receive 10% off every time you make a purchase.

***All holidays throughout the year will be noted for an additional 10% off. Guaranteed 20% Off with free shipping!

Gift Certificates Available upon request!

Contests and Giveaways!


Who's ready for another contest? I am partnering up with Simply Organized and have been asked to personally design the prize that will be given away on July 5th. Rules and Details came be found on their page via the Note section. Good Luck Everyone!

Contest Details:
This one is so simple! All you need to do is leave a comment below & it MUST answer the following question:

What part of your home and/or office needs the most help with organization? 

This contest runs from June 26 through July 4, 2010. It ends at midnight on 7/4/10. Winner will be announced on Monday, July 5th on the Simply Organized page. The winner will receive a one of a kind book filled with Simply Organized hints, tips and ideas from the super talented Kelly DeSocio of Lovely Expressions!

GOOD LUCK, and remember, you can't win if you don't enter... Also, once the winner is drawn randomly from the comments left in the Notes section, there will be additional bonus tips included especially for their unique organizing needs.


Facebook Fans... Did YOU Know?

Lovely Expressions facebook page is growing because of fans like you! We love this idea and want to Thank You. 


Every time you refer a friend, we become one more fan closer to our next 100th bench mark goal.  Make sure you visit LE often and keep a look out for bench mark postings.  Every 100th fan will receive a free greeting card of choice. If the bench mark winner is a referral of yours, you will  receive an additional 10% off any purchase. Since you are already a FB fan (receive 10%) that totals to 20% off.